Marshall Amp

This project has taken a bit of a backseat in recent months, but I now have the guitar amp textured and shaded. I'm still a bit unsure about the metal plate material on the control panel, but I'm happy enough with it as it is just now. I can always come back to it later on and make adjustments if I need to.

PS3 Controller - and back at Axis

I've started back at Axis Animation this month to do some more modelling and texturing work, which is exciting.

As for the workspace project, progress has been slow but I have now finished texturing and shading the Playstation 3 controller and I'm pleased with the outcome. I've learned some new techniques in Photoshop that should help me create better, more realistic textures, as well as keeping my workflow non-destructive.

It's also the first time I've manage to use displacement maps properly and get decent results (they were used to create the directional button arrows and the letters and numbers on the back buttons).

New website, new work

First post on the new site (or the old one for that matter!)

I've been working on a small room workspace scene (computer, TV, speakers etc) with the intention of putting a lot of the focus on improving my texturing and creating better, more realistic shaders - both things that could have better in previous projects. A few of the main assets have already been modelled, so I've decided to just get stuck into the texturing and shading for those before going back and modelling some of the smaller assets.

These are some of the models that I've created so far...


The scene will essentially be a recreation of my own "workspace", and with the idea of getting it as photorealistic as I can, the assets have been created as close to their actual sizes as possible so that everything works with each other when brought together.

Along with the texturing and shading side of things, I also want to improve the quality of the finished work, so I plan to put a lot more time, effort and thought into the lighting, rendering and post-production stages.